Respuesta :

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Question no 1:


Cation is the postively charged unit which is formed by the transfer of one or more electrons. It is attracted towards cathode thus it is called the CATION.


Question no 2:


Ionic bond is the type of bond which is formed between the positive and negative ions. It is mostly formed between the Metals (i.e. group 1 and 2) and Non metals (i.e. mostly group 7). The positive charge on metal is due to the loosing of electron and negative charge on non metal is due to accepting the electron.


Question no 3:


A molecular ion is a covalently bonded set of two or more atoms, that can be considered to behave as a single unit, it also has a charge on it.


Question no 4:


Conductivity is more in liquid than in solid because the conductivity is flow of electron and the movement is less in solid than liquids thus the solid has less conductivity. The liquid has more movement of molecules due to which there is more conductivity.


Question no 5:


Formula unit is a emperical formula used to express the ions in ionic compounds. It is the least whole number ratio of the ions present in the ionic compound.


Question no 6:


Crystal lattice is the arrangement of atoms, molecules, or ions of a crystal in the form of a three dimensional space lattice.


Question no 7:


Anion is the negative charged because It receives one electron from the cations thus becomes negatively charged entity. It is attracted towards the positive anode thus it is called anion.


Question no 8:


Ionic bond do not form molecules, They form the ions.


Question no 9:


One type of bonding i.e. ionic bonding is formed by the attraction between the positive and negative ions.


Question no 10:


It is the amount of energy required to change the state of matter.


Best Regards,
