Can anyone help me with this?
Extension Activity: The Coca-Cola Company has been getting angry letters from drinkers of Diet Coke. Because their soda weighs less they feel like they’re getting ripped off. If they pay the same amount for a diet coke it should have the same amount of soda in it. It is your job as manager of customer relations to answer these angry letters.
For homework, write a sample letter to be approved by the company president that contains the following: A scientific explanation of why the Diet coke weighs less and a sentence or two addressing the customer’s concerns that they are getting less soda than in a regular can or bottle. Remember – your next promotion depends on how well you solve problems for the company!
Your sample letter should contain at least five good sentences: at least three for the scientific explanation plus two more addressing the customer’s concerns. Explain the formula for density and how it is measured.
Some numbers that might help you are:
D1.08 383.7G 355mL
diet coke .096 342G 355mL
Sugar 25.9g
Aspartame 5.1g
water 1