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The world seems to stand still when you are told. That feeling you have never felt before, of total sadness. You feel faint and dazed as if you are falling or dreaming. You were told this was going to happen, but you could never be prepared for it. You don't know what to say, you are totally speechless. You burn up, feel dizzy but no tears will come. You have to get out of there, to escape, runaway anything to make this feeling fade. You just don't want to believe it had happened after everything. Part of you wants to cry your heart out and the other part wants to hit something with the anger that raging inside you.

   The last words I said to her was that I loved her and goodnight because she was going to sleep, I'm so glad I got to tell her that because I wanted her to know.

The funeral was the biggest challenge, actually having to say goodbye. So many people were there because she was such an inspiration, a whole sea of pink, her favorite color. Thousands of flowers in all shapes and sizes but always pink. It just proved how special she was to so many people. We all went to the pub she used to work at afterwards and it felt like she was actually there with us which was a huge comfort. She had wanted us all to get drunk and have a good time so we did as we were told!

  I have never lost anyone before and being so close to my age too it was scary. It's still hard now when I see pink or hear her name. The toughest time was when I got my G.C.S.E results and she wasn't here for me to tell her. I even went to text her which now I've found out is perfectly normal.
