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Answer: A nation that has often been expelled throughout history.


Jews were often expelled during the ancient period until modern times, and anti-Semitism was regularly manifested against them. Ever since the Babylonian captivity, it is a nation that has suffered a lot. During the reign of the Roman Empire, they were also expelled. Under such circumstances, they began to migrate around the world. The Middle Ages did not bring better conditions for Jews. Many Jews in Europe were marginalized and expelled, so that many Jews in that period inhabited the ends of the Ottoman Empire, and some decided to stay in Europe. The affirmation of Europe, emphasizing their tradition, religion, and culture, began more intensely during the 19th century. It happens through their intellectuals. During World War II, a huge number of Jews were killed (about 6 million), and a large number were expelled. Historical circumstances have, therefore led to Jews being scattered all over the world.