How is this photo of John D. Rockefeller’s mansion contrasted with this photo of laborers’ quarters a good illustration of why this era is known as the “Gilded Age”?

Choose 1 answer:

(Choice A) Although the mansion looked beautiful on the outside, its rooms were actually crammed with immigrant laborers who worked on site for Rockefeller.

(Choice B) The grand splendor of the wealthy few was achieved at the expense of many impoverished workers.

(Choice C) The laborers willingly accepted squalid conditions in exchange for a shot at striking it rich in the gold fields.

How is this photo of John D Rockefellers mansion contrasted with this photo of laborers quarters a good illustration of why this era is known as the Gilded Age class=
How is this photo of John D Rockefellers mansion contrasted with this photo of laborers quarters a good illustration of why this era is known as the Gilded Age class=