this is first part second part has 50 and then theres a third part with another 50
Gr Qtr 2 Writing Assessment

As you may have read during the recent election, there is a debate raging over climate change. Some politicians and scientists believe that the earth is in danger due to climate changes, while others argue that climate change is not real and is, in fact, a part of the earth’s natural cycle of change.

Is climate change a real danger or simply a result of naturally occurring events? Read the two articles provided and write an essay arguing your position on climate change. Cite evidence from the articles to support the claim made in your argument.

Manage your time carefully so that you can:
· Read the passages;
· Plan your response;
· Write your response; and
· Revise and edit your response.

Be sure to:
· Use evidence from multiple sources;
· Avoid overly relying on one source; and
· Write your response in the form of a multi-paragraph essay.

Respuesta :

Answer:FOR everyone else it was the glaciers: for the Dutch it was the flooding. Last January errors in the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) hit the headlines. The chapter on Asia in the report by the IPCC's second working group, charged with looking at the impact of climate change and adapting to it, mistakenly claimed that the Himalayan glaciers would be gone by 2035. This contradicted some reasonably basic physics, had not been predicted by the glacier specialists in the first working group (which deals with the natural science of past and future climate change) and was unsupported by any evidence. There was a report from the 1990s which said something similar about all the world's non-polar glaciers, but it gave the date as 2350. Then there was a crucial typo and some shoddy referencing. Nevertheless the IPCC's chair, Rajendra Pachauri, had lashed out at people bringing the criticism up, accusing them of “voodoo science”. He then had to eat his words, and set up, with Ban Ki-moon, a panel to look into ways the IPCC might be improved.

Inspired by this to look for other errors, a journalist for a Dutch newspaper spotted that the chapter on Europe gave a figure for the area of the Netherlands below sea level that was much too large. The area at risk of flooding by the sea had been conflated with that at risk of flooding by the Rhine and the Meuse rivers. That the careful Dutch should have provided faulty information and not spotted it in the review process was an embarrassment to the then environment minister, Jacqueline Cramer; following a debate in parliament she called on the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), an independent body, to look at all the regional chapters in the working group II report and make sure they were up to snuff. This the PBL has now done; its report was published on July 5th.
