Will mark BAINLIEST Read the text, and then write in Spanish
You are working over the summer in Argentina for a real estate agency, and you need to write a short description for a chalet in the mountains
that you are selling. Write two (2) complete sentences in Spanish, describing the chalet. Remember to use the vocabulary words from this
lesson/course only. Use the following suggestions as a guide for your answer: (4 points)
You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á 3, Ee, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, N 12
*Note: The sample sentences in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences. You must come up with your own original
answers keeping academic integrity intact.
Include the following details in your descriptions
• In one sentence, use the yo form of the verb vender to express what you sell, a chalet with how many bedrooms and bathrooms
Be sure to include an adjective for the chalet to help sell it. (eg. I sell a large chalet with five bedrooms and three bathrooms.)
• In one sentence, state the price of the chalet using numbers over 10,000 and the correct form of the verb costar, as well as at least
three other rooms areas the chalet has, using the correct form of the verb tener (eg. The chalet costs 100,000,000 pesos and
has a garage, a yard, and a balcony)