name something in your everyday life or something that you watch for entertainment (Like sports...) that involves understanding proportional relationships

Respuesta :


One thing that I watch almost everyday that can help me understand proportional relationships is ads after I've watched an important event of the show. For example, I've just watched a good episode of {Show Name} and an ad about Shoprite appears. A graph, with a red line shows you how many people prefer to go to their shop than Walmart. They put their numbers in bigger numbers, making it seem that a lot of people go there compared to Walmart, so it must be good. This involves understanding proportional relationships because it shows how many people show up to Shoprite in {number of weeks}. So, the more weeks that Shoprite shows their ad, that more people come in that week.

Step-by-step explanation:

You have to think about x and y axis, and compare it to real life situations. For example, You're pouring gas into your car. The x axis is how many gallons of gas you poured in and the y is how much money you spent. The more you pour in gallons of gas, the more money you spend.

So, now all you have to do it compare it to something you do everyday.

Please don't copy this, we are in the same class. :(