
Urinary Journey
For your journey through the urinary system you must be made small enough to be filtered through the filtration
membrane from the bloodstream Into the renal You will be injected into the subclavian vein and must
pass through the heart before entering the arterial circulation. As you travel through the systemic circulation you have
a least 2 minutes to relax before reaching the ___(2).__artery, feeding the kidney. You see the kidney looming
brownish red through the artery wall. Once inside, the blood vessels of the kidney become increasingly smaller until
finally you reach the _3_ arteriole, feeding into the filtering device, or ____.Once in the filter, you
maneuver yourself so that you are directly in front of a pore. Within a fraction of a second, you are swept across the
filtration membrane into the (5)_ part of the nephron. Drifting along, you lower the specimen cup to gather
your first filtrate sample for testing. You study the readout from the sample and note it is very similar in composition to
_66) with one exception. There are essentially no ____. Your next sample doesn't have to be taken
until you reach the "hairpin" or using proper terminology the_8__. As you continue your journey, you notice
that the tubule cells have dense fingerlike projections extending from there surface into the lumen of the tubule.
These are which increase the absorptive surface area because this part of the tubule is very active in the
process of __(10)_ . While in the "hairpin" you collect your second sample. The readout verifies that the
concentration of the filtrate is much ___(11) and there are few nutrients such as ____(12)__and
(13)__.There is a much higher concentration of _(14) wastes here and the color is yellow, indicating
the presence of the pigment_(15)_ Gradually, you make your way up from the "hairpin and enter into an area
where large molecules are being moved into the filtrate you know you have arrived in the (16) and are
witnessing the process of_(12)_ You continue along and realize that the water level has dropped and the
stream have become more turbulent. You remember the role of the hormone_(18)__and think it must have
been released to conserve water in the body. You take an abrupt right and then drop straight downward into a tube
that has other tubes and fluid entering into it. You realize you are in the_(19)_ headed for the rinor calyx. You
enter into a much calmer are and flow very tranquilly Into a tube on the opposite shore. Upon entrance into this tube
you realize you are being squeezed rhythmically downward and you know you are in the _(20) _ Suddenly you
free-fall and splash into a large sea of urine, you know you have arrived at the _(21)
_There appears to be a lot
of fluld as the celling is getting closer and closer to you and suddenly the walls begin to gyrate and in a moment you are
being propelled out and into your hosts__ _(22) to exit the body.

Respuesta :

Answer:for your journey through the urinary system you must be made small enough to be filtered through the filtration

membrane from the bloodstream Into the renal You will be injected into the subclavian vein and must

pass through the heart before entering the arterial circulation. As you travel through the systemic circulation you have
