Type your response in the box. Read the following paragraph from Henry Petroski’s “Design out of a Paper Bag.” Examine the paragraph closely, and look for clues about the tone. Evaluate the complexity of the sentences, the descriptive sentences, the author’s way of relating to the audience, and the author’s attitude toward the topic. Explain your findings in a paragraph. For all of its advantages when full, there is no way to pack a plastic bag with attention to the same geometrical aesthetic as can be achieved in a square-bottomed paper bag. The best the plastic bagger can do is segregate like products and keep from placing the eggs between the two-liter bottles of soda. Putting a plastic bag full of jars and cans down in a car trunk not designed to keep them in place is an invitation for the contents to roll away and seek out the trunk’s most distant corners. The lightly loaded plastic bag containing boxes is likely to end up having pinholes in its bottom, making it unsuitable for saving for reuse. The heavily loaded plastic bag results in an anxiety trip between checkout counter and car. Who has not worried that the bag with the jar of pickles and the special bottle of wine might give out as he steps off the curb? Yet the plastic bag has clearly become the container of choice, shoppers adjusting to its limitations the way people adjust to those of all designs. The once near-perfect upstanding paper grocery bag has mostly been displaced by something that is at the same time superior and yet inferior. That is the way it often is with designed objects.

Respuesta :


Hi! i see you need help, here you go! Have a great day <3


The sentence structure in the passage is complex. This makes the tone sophisticated. The tone is also personal, especially when the author describes scenarios he has experienced at the grocery store. For example, the description of food items rolling around in the trunk of a car is something most readers probably have first-hand experience with and will find funny. The author also jokes that the plastic bag has almost replaced “the once near-perfect upstanding paper bag.” The word upstanding can be taken literally to mean something that stands up straight like a paper bag, or it can mean good character. So, the author makes a clever pun out of it. The paragraph ends on an unhappy note because the author is disappointed that plastic bags are now more accepted than paper ones.


just saying that you are correct
