While your goal career may require years of education, many people start out by getting work experience in entry-level jobs. You are going to be writing a resume to apply for one of the following entry-level jobs.

Choose one of the following jobs to apply for. You will write this in the Professional Summary or Job Objective part of the resume.

Assistant at the public library
Camp counselor for a summer camp
Tutor for elementary school students in math
Babysitter for a 6-year-old on Saturday afternoons
Assistant at a food concession stand
Time to Create!
You may refer back to the Google Slides Presentation if needed for step-by-step directions and examples. Don't forget to include the experience you have as a volunteer, at school, and in different clubs and organizations, you belong to. Talk to your parents for other ideas of what to include in your resume.

Here are some ideas:

languages you speak other than English
computer software you know like Microsoft Office
industry certifications that you have earned like Living Online or UCertify Word Processing
awards you have won
volunteer work you have done
clubs you belong to and offices you hold
soft skills you possess like time management, teamwork, public speaking.

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