Body Paragraph 2
● Topic Sentence:

● Example from text to support topic sentence:

● Explanation of how the example serves purpose:

● Example from text to support topic sentence:

● Explanation of how the example serves purpose:

Part 2 – Developing Body Paragraphs
Directions: Use your planning in Part 1 to write your two body paragraphs. Use complete sentences, proper grammar and punctuation, and transitions to develop your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should have a transition at the beginning of the topic sentence and at least two within each paragraph.

Respuesta :


Body Paragraph 2

Topic: The lack of understanding from the protesters

Example: "These protesters couldn’t have known what Areliss felt as they shouted and waved pamphlets in our faces like tattered flags. But, I know their words were bullets to Areliss’s heart. I wanted to fire back to the protestors: Where are your ancestors from?"

Explanation: They way the protesters are shouting at Brittany friend was so brutal and so harsh. They wouldn't understand the way she felt, and for that reason right there she wanted to say something that would been detrimental to them rednecks. 

Example: "But, those who oppose DACA, who wield protest signs and who want to build walls, have never felt the dreaded doom of deportation. They forget that our long and colorful history has been built by many immigrants—including the immigrants who fought for and founded our country. They forget that Lady Liberty stands as a beacon, asking for the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. We have a responsibility to them"

Explanation: All her letter was basely saying she is trying to remind the people who oppose DACA and haven't felt the dread or the worry of discrimination. Some of them rednecks forgot that the immigrants built up the country. Since they forgot now the world is built up with hatred.

Part 2:

In this story, Martin Luther King shows how they treated horribly and how he wants a change. In this story, Martin Luther King writes a letter on how he and his friends are treated rudely. Dr King and his friends come off a bus and see protesters telling them to leave. People telling them to go home where they are from. The reason they are being treated so bad is that his friend did not come to the united states legally. Their parents came looking for a better lifestyle but didn't do it the right way. When she got off the bus and saw how they treated her it hurt her very much.