
Which statement best describes the purpose of the passage?

The Beginner's American History

by D. H. Montgomery (adapted excerpt)

The King's Order

In 1763, the war with the French ended with the English gaining possession of the whole of America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. This part of America was ruled by George the Third, King of England, who was now determined to send over more guards but wanted the people in the 13 colonies in America to pay the cost of keeping these guards. However, people were not willing to do this because they felt that they were able to protect themselves without help of any kind. Then the king said, "If the Americans will not give the money, I will take it from them—for pay it they must and shall." This was more than the king would have dared say about England; for there, if he wanted money to spend, he had to ask the people for it, and they could give it or not as they thought best. The Americans said, "We have the same rights as our brothers in England, and the king cannot force us to give a single copper against our will. If he tries to take it from us, we will fight."

The "Boston Tea Party"

However, George the Third did not really know the Americans, and he did not think that they meant what they said. He tried to make them pay the money, but they would not, and from Maine to Georgia, all the people were of one mind. Then the king thought of an alternate plan and arranged for shiploads of tea to be sent over to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Charleston. He ordered, "If the tea should be landed and sold, then every man who bought a pound of it would have to pay six cents more than the regular price." That six cents was a tax, which the people refused to pay. When the tea reached New York, the citizens sent it back again to England. They did the same thing at Philadelphia. At Charleston, they let it be landed, but it was stored in damp cellars. People would not buy any of it anymore, so it all rotted and spoiled. In Boston, they had a grand "tea party." A number of men dressed themselves up like Native Americans, went on board the tea ships at night, broke open all the chests, and emptied the tea into the harbor.

Respuesta :


to explain why the American colonists launched a protest against King George the Third


PLATO answer:)

The purpose of this passage is to describe how American colonists disagreed with the British government (under King George III) imposing taxes on them and therefore, protested against the King by dumping tea which was imported by the British government into the harbour. This political protest is referred to as The Boston Tea Party protest and it occurred on December 16, 1773.

Which war is the passage referring to?

  • The text mentions the concluding year of the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763), which is known in America as the “French and Indian War.”
  • The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended this war. France gave up all of its territory in mainland North America as part of the treaty, thereby removing any foreign military danger to the British colonies there.
  • In 1763, the British under King George III gained possession of the whole of America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River.

Why did The Boston Tea Party happen?

  • Since Britain was deep in debt after the Seven Years’ War ended, British Parliament imposed a series of taxes on American colonists to help pay those debts.
  • The text depicts how Americans showed Great Britain that they wouldn’t take taxation and tyranny. Frustrated and enraged by Britain's taxation American colonists dumped 342 chests of tea brought by the British Company into the harbour.
  • This incident was the colonists' first significant act of rebellion against British rule.

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