1. Software that is designed to intentionally cause harm to a device, server, or network is A. outware B.loggerware C.
attackware D. malware Answer:
2. Some examples of malware include: A. robots, viruses, and worms B. trojans, worms, and bots C. computerware,
worms, and robots D.worms, system kits, and loggerware Answer:
3. Viruses and worms can affect a system by A. deleting hard drives B. slowing down the system C. improving system
functions D. producing fake applications Answer:
4. One tool that hackers use to get sensitive information from victims is/are A. loggerware B. keyloggers C.robots D.
phishing Answer:
5. One key feature of malware is that it A. can only work individually B. can only work on certain operating systems C.
can work jointly with other malware types D. can always be stopped by anti-malware software Answer:
6. One vulnerability that makes computers susceptible to malware is A. using anti-malware software B. using password
protection C. using old versions of software D. using encryption on sensitive files Answer:
7. Malware could A. cause a system to display annoying pop-up messages B. be utilized for identity theft by gathering
personal information C. give an attacker full control over a system D. all of the above Answer: -
8. Malware is a combination of which two words? A malevolent and software B. malignant and software C.
maladapted and software D. malicious and software Answer:
9. The most common way that malware is delivered to a system is through the use of A USB sticks B. damaged
hardware C. emails/attachments D.updated software Answer:
10. Mobile malware is A. malware that moves from one device to another B. malware that moves to different areas in
one system C. malware that deactivates after a period of time D. malware that infects smartphones and tablets

Respuesta :



1.  D Malware causes harm, the other answers seem irrevelant.

2.  B Because they all can cause harm to a server, device or network. (trojan for device, worm for device and bots for networks)

3.  B I haven't heard of viruses deleting hard drives, but lots of viruses do slow

down your computer.

4. D Phishing is a way to obtain data so yes.

5. ? This one is wierd... We can rule out D because that's not always true but you have to decide this on your own.

6. Obviously C? Using old versions can make your computer more

susceptible to malware.

7. D Because all of those can be uses.

8. D Malicous software

9. This is a hard one... Not D, Most likely not B and C is probably more


10.  D It's MOBILE malware