
Why did the colonists grow to dislike the British after the French and Indian War? Give 2 examples of grievances(taxes or acts) the colonists had with the British. Be sure to explain each grievance in detail. Be sure to include an opening and closing sentence. Minimum of 8 sentences.

Respuesta :

The American colonists (not really known as such then) grew further and further apart after the French and Indian war due to the constant pushing of the British. From things to heavy taxation, to the restriction of land that they fought for, the colonists were angry at the British. An example of a disturbance of the two is the Sugar Act, which is also called the Plantation Act or Revenue Act. British legislation aimed at ending the smuggling trade in sugar and molasses from the French and Dutch West Indies and tried providing increased revenues to fund enlarged British Empire dept. holds following the French and Indian War. Another point of time that made the colonists resent and hate the British was the Tea Act of 1773. The Tea Act was an Act of the British Parliament. The main goal was to reduce the massive amount of tea product held by the financially hurting British East India Company in its London warehouses, and to help the struggling company in total. Acts like these (which reoccurred over, and over again) began to break apart the colonists and Great Britain's relationship.

(Don't include this!) I hope this will get the job done!