
Please help, where you see blank spaces is where i need answers! (reposted because i cant edit old one)

1. Yo _______ la guitarra el mes pasado. (tocar, preterite)
2. Mis hermanos _______ muy tarde. (dormirse, preterite)
3. La semana pasada, mis amigos y yo _______ por el parque. (andar, preterite)
4. Tú _______ a la profesora que el examen fue difícil. (decir, preterite)
5. Cuando éramos pequeños, nosotros _______ mucho. (jugar, imperfect)
6. Yo el examen mañana. (estudiar, present progressive)
7. ¿Qué _______ nosotros en la clase hoy? (hacer, present progressive)
8. Sandra _______ ir al cine esta noche. (querer, present)
9. No _______ tan alto. (hablar, tú negative command)
10. No _______ en la biblioteca. (hablar, Uds. negative command)
11. Este verano mi familia y yo _______ por Europa. (viajar, future tense)
12. Yo no _______ esta noche porque tengo que estudiar. (salir, future tense)
13. Tú _______ estudiar mucho más. (deber, conditional)
14. Ellas _______ una fiesta con muchos amigos. (tener, conditional)
15. Mis padres me _______ la respuesta. (decir, conditional)
16. ¿Adónde _______ Marcos y Antonio? (ir, imperfect)
17. _______ aquí ahora mismo. (venir, tú affirmative command)
18. _______ la mesa antes de comer. (poner, tú affirmative command)
19. Mis padres me _______ a qué hora empieza la cena. (decir, future tense)
20. Mi hermano _______ hablar español despues de esta clase. (poder, future tense)
21. Translate the following sentence into Spanish.
When I was young, I used to visit my grandparents frequently and I used to play with my friends during the summer.

22. Use the prompt in parentheses to answer the following question. Your answer should be a complete sentence that uses reflexive verbs in the preterite tense.
What are three things that you did this morning before going to school? (get up early, dress well, and wash your face)

23. Use the prompt in parentheses to answer the following question. Your answer should be a complete sentence in the preterite tense.
What are two things that you brought to school with you today? (a book, a pencil)

24. Use the prompt in parentheses to answer the following question. Your answer should be a complete sentence in the preterite tense.
What did you do yesterday? (go to school, have an exam in Spanish class)

25. Use the prompt in parentheses to answer the following question. Your answer should be a complete sentence in the preterite tense.
What time did you arrive at school today? (7 in the morning)

26. Translate the following sentence into Spanish.
When I go to the beach, I wear a bathing suit, a T-shirt, and sandals.

27. Translate the following sentence into Spanish.
This salad has lettuce, carrots, cucumber, tomato, and onion.

28. Translate the following sentence into Spanish.
Our teacher tells us we should study.

29. Translate the following sentence into Spanish.
It is doubtful that I will watch television tonight.

30. Your little brother has come into your room without permission. Use an affirmative command and a negative command to tell him to leave your room and not to talk.

31. Use the prompt in parentheses to answer the following question. Your answer should be a complete sentence in the future tense.
What are your plans after you graduate from high school? (travel to Mexico, go to a university, meet a lot of people)

32. Use the prompt in parentheses to answer the following question. Your answer should be a complete sentence in the conditional tense.
If you had one million dollars to spend on anything you wanted, what would you do? (buy a car, have a big party for my friends).

33. Translate the following passive (se) voice construction into Spanish.
It is prohibited to talk in class.

34. Translate the following sentence into Spanish.
I will be able to study this weekend.

35. Using the expression ya, translate the following sentence into Spanish.
I already spoke with my parents.

36. Use the prompt in parentheses to answer the following question. Your answer should be a complete sentence in the preterite tense.
What time did you start your Spanish exam? (1 in the afternoon)

37. Your friends are at your house for a party, and your mom has ordered a lot of food. Use an affirmative command to tell them to please eat a lot of pizza.

38. Translate the following sentence into Spanish.
María is taller than Pedro.

39. Using the expression ya, translate the following sentence into Spanish.
I no longer go to bed early.

40. Translate the following sentence into Spanish.
I will go out on Friday night after the final exam.

Respuesta :


before I begin almost all of these sentences make no sense.

1. Tocar, instead it would be past tense "Yo toque" because you did it last month.

2. Dormise, correct answer would be "Duermen" or "Se duermen "

3. Andar, proper word would be "andamos".

4. Decir, although it would be "Yo le dije"

5. Jugar, proper "Jugabamos"

6. Estudiar, I dont even understand what thats saying

7. Hacer, although properly It would be "Que vamos hacer en clase hoy"

8. Querer, properly it would be "quiere".

9. Hablar, although it would be "Hables"

10. Hablar

11. Viajar

12. Salir, "Yo no voy a salir"

13. Deber, "debes"

14. Tener, "Ella's van a tener una Fiesta"

15. Decir, "Dicen"

16. Ir, "Van"

17. Venir or Venid

18. Poner

19. Decir/Dicen

20. Poder/Puede

21. Quando era joven yo visitaba a mis abuelos mucho y jugaba con mis amigos en el verano.

37. Porfavor coman mucha pizza

38. Maria es mas alta que Pedro.

39. Ya no me voy a dormir temprano.

40. Yo voy a salir el viernes despues del examen final