

Match the following:

1. Picard & Walsh

2. Forbes and Maury

3. developed in 1922

4. locates survivors at sea

5. averages 30 miles wide

6. distance of open water which wind flows

7. rescued at 5,000 foot depth

8. query buoy-mounted systems

bathyscaph Trieste



continental shelf

satellite mounted sensors


“Father of Oceanography”

echo sounder

Respuesta :


  1. Piccard and Walsh + Bathyscaphe Trieste
  2. Forbes and Maury + Father of Oceanography
  3. Developed in 1922 + Echo sounder
  4. Locates Survivors at Sea +  Sofar
  5. Average of 30 miles wide + Continental shelf
  6. The distance of open water over which wind flows + Fetch
  7. Rescued at 5,000-foot depth + Alvin
  8. Query buoy-mounted systems + satellite mounted sensors


  1. Trieste was the name given to a Bathyscaphe which was designed by the Swiss and built by the  Italians.   A Bathyscaphe is a deep-sea vehicle or submersible that is able to propel its self and will require the presence of a crew cabin.  Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh jointly achieved the goals of Project Nekton one of which was to get to the bottom of the challenger deep. The challenger deep is the deepest point in the earth's sea bed. Auguste Piccard is an Italian and the son of the man who designed the boat: August Piccard whilst Don Walsh is a US Navy Lieutenant.
  2. Edward Forbes is considered the pioneer of oceanography and his area of specialty was the biological components of the ocean. Matthew Maury, on the other hand, is considered the father of oceanography because he focused on the physical components of the ocean such as currents, waves and temperature fluctuations.
  3. Echo sounding is a special sonar that is used to calculate the exact depth of water. The device does this by transmitting sound waves into water the speed is calculated.
  4. Sofar station was finished on the 4th of July, 1946. The full meaning of SOFAR is Sound Fixing And Ranging. It was designed or built to be able to locate stranded paramilitary such as Navy and Airforce survivors at sea.
  5. The continental shelf is estimated by some to be approximately 30 miles wide. The continental shelf is a space beneath the ocean that speads out like a plateau and which holds a lot of biotic elements.
  6. Waves are generated when wind flows over a water body in one direction for a protracted period. The Fetch is the oceanographic term for that area in the ocean where this phenomenon is prevalent.
  7. Alvin is another name for DSV-2 -  a deep ocean submersible owned by the United States which has made a deep dive at least 5000.
