Each person in a group of twenty people at a hotel orders one meal chosen from oatmeal, eggs, or pancakes and one hot beverage chosen from coffee or tea. One person will be selected at random from the twenty people. What is the sample space for the meal and beverage for the person selected

Respuesta :


[tex]S = \{(Oatmeal, Coffee),(Eggs, Coffee),(Pancakes,Coffee),[/tex] [tex](Oatmeal, Tea),(Eggs, Tea),(Pancakes,Tea)\}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Meal = \{Oatmeal, Eggs, Pancakes\}[/tex]

[tex]Beverage = \{Coffee, Tea\}[/tex]


Determine the sample space

The sample space is a list of combination of 1 meal and 1 beverage.

Because one individual can order only one of the meals and one of the beverages at any one time, then no two orders can be the same

The sample space (S) is as follows:

[tex]S = \{(Oatmeal, Coffee),(Eggs, Coffee),(Pancakes,Coffee),[/tex] [tex](Oatmeal, Tea),(Eggs, Tea),(Pancakes,Tea)\}[/tex]