Instructions: Rewrite the following groups of words to make complete sentences. You may need to add words. Write your sentence after each item. D.
1. The loon is a brown bird. Very clumsy on the shore
2. You can hold this microphone. Or mount it on a stand.
3. Buying a headphone and testing it instead of doing his homework.
4. Lee went to see her counselor. To discuss her problemis.
5. Our sociology class invited speakers from the community. Such as police officers, social workers and doctors.
6. I found it exciting To see the aurora borealis. 7. Vesuvius, the most famous volcano in the world,
8. Greece is still an extremely poor country. A warehouse of rocks and ruins
9 Mike Anderson the photographer for the local newspaper
10. He was in a great hurry. To get to Richmond by six o'clock.​