Respuesta :

Answer: Women and girls are usually trafficked for the purpose of se.xual and economic exploitation, particularly prostitution and po.rnography, forced labour, including for work in commercial agriculture and domestic work, arranged marriages or to be ‘sold’ as brides, recruitment for participation in hostilities and such related purposes as se.xual services, portage and domestic functions in conflict situations.Women’s and girls’ experience of trafficking is different to that of men and boys. Women and girls tend to suffer a disproportionately heavy impact, whereas trafficked men find it difficult to access existing programmes for victim assistance. This requires the inclusion of gender equality principles in the formulation and implementation of legislation and programmes aiming at the prevention of trafficking in human beings. Faith-Based Communities : Host awareness events and community forums with anti-trafficking leaders or collectively support a local victim service provider. Businesses: Provide jobs, internships, skills training, and other opportunities to trafficking survivors.

Hope this helps :)