
1) Gregor Mendel created the law of independent assortment, that genes are distributed from parent to offspring independently of only another. Which characteristic of Meiosis primarily causes this, and what phase does it occur during?

a. Homologous pairs form and align, during Interphase
b. Crossing over occurs between Homologs, during Prophase 1
c. Meiosis enters a second round of splitting, during Prophase 2
d. Chromosomes are separated into 4 separate cells, during Anaphase 2

2) Which of the following is a Homo-zygous Genotype?

a. GG
b. Gg
c. gg
d. both A and C

3) A red flower (RR) is crossed with a red flower (rr). What are the chances for each type of offspring by GENOTYPE.

a. 25% RR, 50% Rr, 25% rr
b. 50% Rr, 50% rr
c. 100% Rr
d. 100% Red offspring

4) In Genetics, Dominant and Recessive are terms used to describe the relative strength of a specific trait. Which of the following is true for the term “recessive”?

a. Recessive genes can be masked by dominant genes
b. Recessive genes are always visible
c. In order to have a recessive trait, your parents must display that trait
d. Recessive genes show up later in life

5) Two Monsters, Hagatha and Urman, are expecting a child together. Hagatha is Hetero-zygous for Sharp claws, while Urman is Homo-zygous Recessive for Dull claws. Which of the following correctly identifies the Genotypes of both monsters? (use D or d to represent claw alleles)

a. Hagatha is Dd, Urman is dd
b. Hagatha is Dd, Urman is DD
c. Hagatha is DD, Urman is Dd
d. Hagatha is DD, Urman is dd

Respuesta :

2 = d

3 = a

4 = a

5 = a

I am not so familiar with 1 and 3 sry

Homzygous means two identical alleles so a and c are both homzygous

recessive genes are not expressed if a dominant allele is present but with be expressed if the no dominant allele is present.

If you do a cross test you can determine the percentage.

Hagatha is heterozygous meaning non identical allele like Dd or dD and the other is homzygous recessive meaning that it has identical allele like DD or dd but it's recessive so it's dd.

I hope I helped you helped you enough