For each claim below, select whether you think this claim is supported by evidence or not. Elisa is feeling tired because she has diabetes. Elisa is feeling tired because she has anemia. Elisa is feeling tired because she has an injury to her pancreas. Elisa is feeling tired because she has asthma.

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Answer and Explanation:

Elisa is feeling tired because she has diabetes - suported: diabetes, in fact, can trigger episodes of extreme tiredness in patients, this tiredness may have been accompanied by dizziness and being.

Elisa is feeling tired because she has anemia. - Supported: Anemia hampers the transmission of oxygen in the blood, which can cause tiredness, weakness and extreme fatigue.

Elisa is feeling tired because she has an injury to her pancreas - suported: The pancreas is responsible for the production of insulin which is essential to prevent diabetes from establishing itself in the body. If the pancreas is damaged, insulin may be insufficiently produced, increasing the chance of developing diabetes and causing tiredness.

Elisa is feeling tired because she has asthma - suported: asthma causes breathing difficulties, this can cause tiredness and fatigue.