Have you seen examples of herd mentality in your community, between friends and at school ? Discuss this. Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Explain why.

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Have you seen examples of herd mentality in your community, between friends and at school ? Discuss this.

Yes, I have. As we know, herd mentality refers to the influence peers can have over others' behaviors. That is, people will do things because others are or seem to be doing them. Those decisions are highly based on emotion instead of rational thinking. I believe I see examples of herd mentality all the time, not only at school, but in society in general. The need to buy the latest phone, for instance, without duly taking the time to consider the investment made when buying the previous phone - which, by the way, still works just fine.

Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? Explain why.

Because herd mentality leads to irrational behavior, I believe it is, in general, a bad thing. Herd mentality is often behind aggressive behavior seen at stadiums, or bullying at schools, for example. People do not take the time to reflect, but simply act impulsively. However, there are examples of cases when herd mentality works for the good. For instance, when several people will stand in a circle around someone who has suffered an accident in order to prevent vehicles from hurting that person even more. This is an irrational behavior - people are giving up their own safety -, but it is done with a beautiful, selfless purpose. However, to my mind, examples such as this one are a minority when it comes to herd mentality.