
Name: Period:
World History 8
Cumulative (Mid Term) Study Guide
Part I Vocab - Chs. 1-3
1.Old Stone Age paleolithic A. Middle Stone Age
2.Middle Stone Age mesolithic B Walking on two legs
3._______domesticate C. NOT hunting and gathering
4._______bipedal D. distant relatives
5.Movement Of The People Migrate E. New Stone Age
6.Big Stone megalith F. make useful for our needs
7.New Stone Age neolithic G. similar to us
8._______ancestor H. Old Stone Age
9._______agriculture I. movement of the people
10.______hominid J. Big Stone
11.______ziggurat K. bringing water to crops
12.______Cuneiform L. fertile and flat
13.Many Lands Under One empire M. many gods
14.______irrigation N flat topped pyramid
15.______scribe O. long poem
16.Fertile And Flat silt P. no water, big trouble
17.Long Poem epic Q. many lands under one ruler
18.______polytheism R. one god
19.______monotheism S. Mesopotamian writing with wedges
20.______drought T. writer, high on hierarchy

Part II Vocab - Ch. 4,5, & 8
1._______ Pharaoh A. Ruling Family
2._______ Papyrus B. Long pole with a Bucket
3._______ Hieroglyphics C. Pounded Reeds
4._______ Dynasty D. Monolith with pyramid on top
5._______ Cataracts E. White Water Rapids
6._______ Basins F. Preserving
7._______ Shadoof G. “God on Earth”
8._______ Obelisk H. Writes and records
9._______ Embalming I. Irrigation Ditches
10.______ Scribe J. Pictographs
11._______Diaspora K. Movement of the people
12._______Monotheism L. Jewish house of worship
13._______Famine M. Holy Day / Day of Rest
14._______Zealots N. Drought and starvation
15._______Exodus O. Day of Atonement
16._______synogogue P. Scattering, dispersion
17._______Torah Q. 613 Laws in the Torah
18._______Mosaic Law R. Uncompromisingly enthusiastic
19._______Yom Kippur S. Belief in ONE GOD
20.______ Sabbath T. Jewish Holy Book- the LAW

Part III - People

1._______Sargon A. Built First Empire
2._______Hammurabi B. Epic Hero
3._______Nebuchadnezzar C. Lived in Southern Mesopotamia
4._______Gilgamesh D. Rebuilt Babylon
5._______Sumerians E. Known for his LAWS
6._______ Hatshepsut F. Conqueror
7._______ Ramses II G. Female Pharaoh- trade and built
8._______ Khufu H. Unified Egypt
9._______ Menes (Narmer) I. Drove out the Hyksos
10.______Ahmos of Thebes J. They are his pyramids
11._______David K. Judge / Military Leader
12._______Moses L. Led the Exodus
13._______ Abraham M. Made Covenant with God
14._______Deborah N. Built Temple in Jerusalem
15._______Solomon O. King of Israel

Part IV - Places

1._______Mesopotamia A. Touches Persian Gulf and Mediterranean
2._______Babylon B. Large Ancient Library
3._______Fertile Crescent C. between Tigris and Euphrates
4._______Nineveh D. Hanging Gardens
5._______Uruk E. Walled City
6._______ Delta F. Old Capital
7._______ Nile River G. Fans out into Mediterranean
8._______ Memphis H. Can’t live here- Death
9._______ Thebes I. New Capital
10.______Sahara Desert J. Longest River on Earth
11._______Jerusalem K. Israelites Enslaved
12._______Babylon L. Capital of Judah
13._______Egypt M. Walls came crumbling down
14._______ Mt. Sinai N. Moses received 10 Commandments
15._______Jericho O. Israelites Exiled