Origin and Expansion of the Universe Lab Report

Scientists have established a timeline of events after the Big Bang, based on astronomical observations and our understanding of the physical laws of the universe, such as gravity and the speed of light. In this lab activity, you will gather evidence to support the Big Bang theory.
How can models demonstrate theories of our expanding universe?
Review the virtual lab demonstration in the lesson and stop the video when prompted to formulate a hypothesis. Hypothesize (or predict) what will happen to the distances between the labeled circles when you blow up the balloon ¼ full, ½ full, and ¾ full. Remember to include independent and dependent variables in your hypothesis.
The carbon dioxide represents how galaxies will spread out.
Watch the virtual lab demonstration video within the lesson. No additional materials are needed.
For this investigation:
List the independent variable(s):
List the dependent variable(s):
List the controlled variable(s):

1. Watch the virtual lab demonstration video within the lesson and record your observations in Table 1.
2. Using your expanding universe data from Table 1, construct a line graph using the volume of the below on the X axis and the distance between points on the Y axis. Be sure to include units and add titles to the graphs. Refer to the graph example and graphing tutorial in the lesson if needed.
3. Complete the Questions and Conclusion section of the lab report.
Data and Observations:
Table 1: Expanding Universe Observations

Galaxies Distance: Uninflated balloon (centimeters)
Distance: ¼ full (centimeters) Distance: ½ full (centimeters) Distance: ¾ full (centimeters)
A to B
A to C
A to D
B to C
B to D
C to D

Construct a line graph using the expanding the universe data from table 1. The volume will be plotted on the x-axis. The distance between the points will be plotted on the y-axis. Be sure to include units and add titles to the graph. Refer to the graph example and graphing tutorial in the lesson if needed.
Place your graph here.
Questions and Conclusion
1. How does the density and distribution of your “stars” change as the balloon expands?
2. How does your expanding balloon model represent an expanding universe?
3. What are some shortcomings of using this model as a replica of universe expansion?
4. How does the model you created help to show that the Steady State theory is inaccurate?
5. Suggest a way that a scientist could create an even more accurate model of universe expansion.
6. What will happen to the gravitational force between stars as the universe continues to expand?
In conclusion, how did your prediction of distances between points compare to your experimental results?

Respuesta :


this is for number 6

Explanation:As the universe continues to expand, the gravitational force between the stars will decrease the farther apart they become.


1. As the balloon begins to expand, the volume will increase resulting in an increase in the density.

2.  Each of these dots will represent something similar to a galaxy. When a balloon is inflated, the dot that represents it will begin to move away from the rest since the rubber is stretching the space that is in between them.


I haven't done the rest