a mother places her hand on a hot stovetop. The stimulus reaches the sensory neaurons of her fingertips. What nerve pathway will this stumulus signal contunue to follow in order to lift her hand from the heat

Respuesta :

This will follow a reflex arc, it will go only to the CNS in the spinal cord and not to the brain


Interneuron, motor neuron, effector


Interneurons in the central nervous system (brainand spinal cord) connect sensory neurons to motor neurons.  One or more interneurons in the spinal cord carry messages from a sensory neuron to a motor neuron.

Motor neurons conduct nerve impulses from the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to an effector. A single motor neuron carries messages from the spinal cord to an effector.

-Effectors respond to the impulses by contracting (if the effector is a muscle fiber) or secreting enzymes or hormones (if the effector is a gland).