
The wind came in gusts, at times shaking the coach as it travelled round the bend of
the road, and in the exposed places on the high ground it blew with such force that the
whole body of the coach trembled and swayed, rocking between the high wheels like
a drunken man.
The driver, muffled in a greatcoat to his ears, bent almost double in his seat in a faint
attempt to gain shelter from his own shoulders, while the dispirited horses plodded
sullenly to his command, too broken by the wind and the rain to feel the whip that now
and again cracked above their heads, while it swung between the numb fingers of the
The wheels of the coach creaked and groaned as they sank into the ruts on the road,
and sometimes they flung up the soft spattered mud against the windows, where it
mingled with the constant driving rain, and whatever view there might have been of
the countryside was hopelessly obscured.
How does the writer use language here to describe the effects of the weather?
You could include the writer’s choice of:
 words and phrases
 language features and techniques
 sentence forms.