Situation No. 1. Joey is about to start working on his experiment about plant

cell using a compound microscope. He noticed that one of the objective lens is

missing and the course adjustment knob is not working. The eyepiece lens is

also broken.

Respuesta :

Complete question: Learning Task 4: Read the following situations. Identify the part and the

function of the microscope mentioned in each situation. Write your answers in

your answer sheet.

Situation No. 1. Joey is about to start working on his experiment about plant

cell using a compound microscope. He noticed that one of the objective lens is

missing and the course adjustment knob is not working. The eyepiece lens is

also broken.

Answer: The parts of the compound microscope mentioned in this situation includes:

Objective lens, course adjustment knob and eyepiece lens.

Explanation: A compound microscope is a magnifying instrument which can be used to carry out various experiments in a laboratory. According to the working principle of a microscope, the magnified image of the object (plant cell) is first produced by a lens close to the object called the objective lens. This collects light from the object and forms the primary image. A second lens near the eye called the eyepiece lens enlarges the primary image,converting it into one that can enter the pupil of the eye. The different parts and the functions of the compound microscope observed by Joey includes:

--> Objective lens: The objective lens gathers light from the specimen, which is focused to produce the real image that is seen on the eyepiece lens. It's functions includes formation of primary image and determination of the quality of the image produced.

--> Course adjustment knob: This is the part of microscope that is used in focusing the specimen that is under observation through changing the distance between the lens and the specimen. Therefore it functions to bring the specimen into general focus.

--> Eyepiece lens: This is the lens that is closest to the eye of the observer. It functions to magnify the image formed by the objective lens as it's being placed near the focal length of the objective lens.