HMH Daily Demo Lab: Water Magic

Electric Charge (guided inquiry)
Purpose: To show how matter becomes charged by induction
Materials: comb, sink with working faucet

Predict: Predict what you think will happen to the charges of the comb and water if the comb comes in contact with the water. Record your hypothesis before following the directions below to carry out the lab experiment. The charges would attract. How and why is what I don’t know.
1. Turn on a faucet just enough to allow a thin stream of water to flow.
2. Have a student volunteer-run a comb through his/ her hair a few times.
3. Observe. Tell the student to hold the comb near, but not touching, the stream of water.
4. Answer all questions below in complete sentences, using the R.A.C.E. strategy.
Ask and record your findings: What do you observe? Describe. I observed the stream of water bend toward the comb. I gave the comb electric charge by passing a comb through my sister’s hair and that allowed the comb to bend the stream of water.

Ask and record your findings: What does this indicate (show)? Explain. I

1. To test students’ predictions, have the student volunteer pass the comb through the water.
2. Then have them move the comb so that it is near but not touching the water.
Ask and record your findings: What do you observe? Describe. WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST