Please help fast! these questions are on the Mystery of the Horse Creek Girl video
1. What old stories from 1880-1890 coincided with the time period that this malnourished girl would have lived? Conversely, what contrast exists between recorded history of the time and this new evidence from the remains?
2. In order to tell the girl’s story, what did the team make a replica of? What tribe did Eli and the team ultimately decide the girl was from and how did they come to this conclusion?
3. Do you think the work that Eli did on this project was valuable? Explain your reasons why/why not.

Respuesta :


I only have these so far, please dont copy word for word k.


Discuss the challenge Eli come across as he began his investigation. What item did he use as a starting point?---- They didn't have any historical records from her discovery , or any of the initial coroners reports. They used moccasins that were found on the human remains to use as a starting point.


What did the string on the moccasins tell Eli about the time period?--- The string is cotton, not sinew so that helps to date the moccasins. If they were pre-reservation the string would most likely be sinew.




Once Eli moved on to examine the remains themselves, what marks did he decide to investigate further and what clues did the marks uncover? After these clues, explain how the investigation shifted for Eli and why the shift was significant. Eli went to get her teeth examined and analyzed by a professional because they noticed that she had hypoplasia marks on some of her teeth. The analysis showed that she had gotten very sick with something like a viral infection or fever when she was 3 or 4 years old. They also showed that she had a fairly rough diet, and was in her early 20s when she died.