As water molecules move through the hydrological cycle, water both gains and loses energy. in which case would the water be losing energy? condensation evaporation transpiration respiration

Respuesta :

The correct answer is condensation

That is because energy is used to break bonds, so condensation where bonds are made actually loses energy because it turns into liquid.

1. What part of the water cycle is occurring at Point B?


2. Which process adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?


3. As water molecules move through the hydrological cycle, water both gains and loses energy. What is the main source of energy that drives the hydrological cycle?

The Sun

4. According to your Water Cycle Activity graph, at which point is the water molecule's energy the lowest, and why?

At the glacier because of the low temperature

5. Using your Water Cycle Activity graph, look at the pattern of energy increases. What of the following statements describes what occurs when the water molecule's energy increases?

The water molecule is usually changing from liquid to gas.

6. If you had continued following the water molecule in the Water Cycle Activity, what step do you predict would have occurred next, and why?

Precipitation, because water is released from the clouds back to Earth