1. As an advocate, how would you ensure doctors and medical professionals are well-trained to work with individuals with disabilities? This seemed to come up as a major obstacle.

2. How do you see new and emerging medical technologies and treatments affecting the disability community? Positive, negative, or a mix of both?

3. Emerging populations with disabilities; veterans, individuals on the autism spectrum, individuals with rare diseases, individuals with mental health diagnosis etc., will be affected by lack of accessible medication and treatment. How you suggest we address this issue?

Respuesta :


As an advocate, I will organize training for for doctors and medical professionals from time to time on patient relationship management with the main focus on individuals with disabilities.

New and emerging medical technologies and treatments are affecting the disability community positively, with modern technology, persons with disabilities are aided with there daily activities.

I suggest a section should be created in the health sector majorly to cater for persons with disabilities as this will make more preference be given to them.
