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Question: How do natural resources keep our economy strong?
Write five sentences to support your argument.

My answer:
Natural resources keep our economy strong because they provide jobs, create sellable products, help us produce electricity, and more. Since some natural resources can be grown over and over again, this creates more resources, products to sell, and jobs to fulfill the demand of supplies.

As one of our most valuable natural resources, water is useful for supplying jobs for bodies of water, supporting the agriculture industry, and making hydroelectric power. On page 12, it says, “ As river water rushes through the dams, it makes electricity. … Washington state dams create more electricity than almost any other state in the country. ” This shows that water is a very reliable resource to keep our economy strong.

Trees, one of the most important natural resources, can be made into houses, paper, furniture, rubber, and many more goods that are sold to companies around the world and used in our daily lives.
Another naturally occurring resource are fossils and bones. Most fossil fuels are non-renewable resources, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gases. Jobs could potentially be created to collect these finite resources. These can be sold and used, but not very helpful towards the environment.
Water, trees, and fossil fuels are keeping the Washington economy strong. Water provides hydroelectric power, and supports agriculture. Trees provide materials for many different materials. Last but not least, fossil fuels are still valuable for job creation and power generation.

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