Read aloud and translate.
AENĒĀS: “Anchīsēs animos nostros bonis verbis confirmāvit: 'Dei sig.
num dedērunt; nostrum rëgnum est in Italiā. Est longē ab Africā,
sed post longam fugam et multos annos in Italiam nāvigābimus.
Tum nāvigāvimus in terram ubi habitābant vir fēminaque, captivi
Trõiānī, nostrī amīcī. Iam līberi erant. Fēmina multa et pulchra
dona dedit, et vir bonum consilium dē nostro rēgno in Italiä.
Nautae nostrī arma et copiam aquae frumentique ab oppido
nostrorum amicorum portāvērunt. Tum ad rēgnum tuum

Respuesta :


AENEAS COMPLETES HIS TALE AENĒĀS: “Anchīsēs animos nostros bonis verbis confirmāvit: 'Dei sig.num dedērunt;nostrum rëgnum est in Italiā.Est longē ab Africā, sed post longam fugam et multos annos.

Anchises our minds good with words. God's sign surely presented; Our power in italy. It was sweeping, but after a long flight, and for many years.