Pamela produced an electromagnet by wrapping a copper wire around an iron nail. When she connected the wire ends to a battery, she was able to lift 4 paper clips with her electromagnet. She decided that she wanted to modify the electromagnet so that it would lift 7 paper clips. She modified the electromagnet by removing the iron nail and replacing it with an aluminum nail. However, when she modified the electromagnet, it would not lift any paper clips.

Explain why Pamela's modification caused the electromagnet to lose its magnetic properties.​

Respuesta :

how many washers or paper clips can be picked up by each magnet. The one which picks up the most is the strongest.

-Slowly bring each magnet close to a magnetic material (such as an iron pin). The one which attracts the pin from the farthest distance is the strongest.

-Construct a device such as in class (place a tongue depressor between two plastic cups, place each magnet on top of the tongue depressor, and then suspend a paperclip beneath it to see how many washers each magnet can hold