
Directions: Underline each of the participle phrases and circle the word that is modified.

1. Yelling with all our might, we sat in the cheering section.

2. Did anyone ever tell you that you have a winning smile?

3. Feeling like a fool, I appeared from behind the curtain in a checkered costume.

4. Blushing, Estella accepted the praise of her cycling buddies.

5. What should we do with this picked fruit?

6. The leaning buildings were knocked down by the wrecking ball.

7. Breathing hard, the runners crossed the finish line.

8. The dog, caught between the two fierce cats, fled the yard.

9. Badly injured, the accident victims were helicoptered to the trauma center.

10. Holding our breaths, we watched the scene of the hero being stalked by the villain.

11. The crumpled shipment of dishes contained many cracked items.

12. Tires screaming, the racing car rounded the track.

13. The photographer shooting the wedding focused several pictures on the parents.

14. The speaker at the museum was a respected environmentalist.

15. My typing rate changed drastically due to my broken wrist.

16. Hoping for the best, we opened the basement door after the raging flood.

17. The team has finally broken its losing streak!

18. Don’t forget your backpack lying behind the sofa.

19. Clutching her mother’s hand, the child skated slowly over the frozen rink.

20. Slashing the vegetation ahead, the explorers ploughed through the jungle

Respuesta :


1. Yelling with all our might - participle phrase

we- the word being modified