Identify which stage of the listening process Emily is making use of in the following scenario.

Emily's friend Rachelle missed math class one day and wanted to know what had been covered. "Well," said Emily, "we went over prime numbers and factoring and stuff. We're supposed to read Chapter Three by tomorrow and do the first ten problems. Oh, and Ms. Williams said not to worry about Least Common Multiples right now. We'll go over those next week."


Respuesta :

remembering because Emily is remembered what happened in class

Answer: remembering.

In this excerpt, Emily is at the "remembering" stage of the listening process. Emily listened to the class, evaluated what the professor said, selected the most important information and is now remembering it for the benefit of Rachelle, her friend who missed class. For students, remembering is one of the most important stages, as it is one that is used in tests and evaluations constantly.