Guide to food chain (top to bottom): osprey, pike, perch, smelt, freshwater shrimp. Which population would show the quickest increase if perch were eliminated from the food chain ? A) pike B) smelt C) osprey D) freshwater shrimp

Respuesta :

It would be the smelt. Because the perch wouldn't be able to eat it. So the smelt would increase because there are less predators.


B) smelt


  • As smelts are a family of small fish found in the northern Atlantic and the north pacific oceans they are typically found in the freshwater systems and they are usually 20 cm in length are a source of food for many fish populations as trout, salmon, etc.
  • The species like the perch which is type of game fish mostly a carnivorous fish found in the lakes and streams feeding on these small fish if suddenly vanish or get extinct then the population of the smelt will bounce back as less number of predators more will be the prey.