4. The magnitude of the disaster is hard to imagine.
a. Size
b. Pain
c. Debris
5. Tsunamis are less prevalent in the Indian Ocean than in the Pacific.
a. Mild
b. Harmful
c. Common
“of Wolves and Men”
6. What point of view is “Of Wolves and Men” told in?
“Toward dusk he is standing by a creek, lapping the cool water, when a wolf howls—a long wail that
quickly reaches pitch and then tapers, with several harmonics, long moments to a tremolo. He
recognizes his sister. He waits a few moments, then, throwing his head back and closing his eyes, he
howls” (Lopez 200).
a. First Person
b. Third Person
c. Third Person Omniscient
7. In Of Wolves and Men, the wolf’s main guide is _________________.
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a. His sense of smell
b. His excellent vision
c. His memories from being a puppy
8. True or false: Wolves are solitary animals that join packs only to hunt.
a. True
b. False
“The Deadliest Tsunami in History” and “Tsunami Gives Indian Couple Will to Live”
9. The Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 was generated by __________.
a. A Hiroshima-type bomb
b. An earthquake
c. A wave
10. Survivors of the tsunami recognized that a receding ocean __________.
a. Was a sign of danger
b. Left pollution on the shore
c. Left boats and fish stranded on the shore
11. Mr. and Mrs. Paramesvaran have sixteen children because _________.
a. They did not lose a single child to the tsunami
b. Their children died by they adopted sixteen orphans
c. They adopted every child orphaned by the tsunami
“Literary Terms”
12. The term used for language and description that appeals to our five senses.
a. Figurative Language
b. Plot
c. Imagery
13. The pieces throughout this unit are examples of …
a. Fiction
b. Nonfiction
c. Biography
14. The collection of graphs and photos used in a piece of writing are called…
a. Art
b. Graphics
c. They have no title