
L 2.4.4 Quiz: Check-Up
Question 9 of 10
Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate form of the
verb aller below.
Vous, chercher la roue de secours!
A. va
B. vous allez
C. vas
D. allez

Respuesta :

Answer: D. allez


It is important to know how to conjugate verbs in French, and does take some memorization. In case you need a refresher, here are the conjugations for the verb aller, which is used in this question:

Je vais

Tu vas

Il/elle/on a

Nous allons

Vous allez

Ils/elles vont

Since vous is the subject in this sentence, you need to use the vous form of aller, which is allez.

Hope this helps :)

answer: D allez
i’ve had the same