These two campaign posters give information about two candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives.

There are two text boxes side by side. The first one reads Do you want your representative to work for you Vote Maria Gonzalez for U.S. House of Representatives, 6 years in the state legislature, Successful small business owner, Opposes gun control, Opposes raising taxes, Committed to bringing jobs to the district. The second one reads We will work hard for you, Vote Elmer Flint for U.S. House of Representatives, 7 years on city council, 2 years on city planning commission, Owns successful legal practice, Supports gun control legislation to protect citizens, Committed to increasing government programs for the needy, Elmer Takes His Job Seriously.

According to the information in the posters, why might a voter who lives on a fixed income be more likely to support Elmer?

His experience on the city council
His experience as a lawyer
His support of gun-control legislation
His commitment to increase government assistance