
4. Why is Mecca significant to Islam?
5. According to Islamic faith, why is Muhammad known as "the prophet"?
6. How did Khandija respond to Muhammads spiritual mission?
7. Which obligations are among the Five Pillars of Islam?
8. Which of the following correctly states a teaching of Islam?
9. which purpose does Sharia serve?
10. How did the position of women change in early muslin society?

Respuesta :

4. Answer;

  • Muhammad was born there  
  • The Kaaba is located there.


For the Islamic religion, there is no holier city than Mecca (Makkah). This is the birthplace of the prophet Muhammad and was central to the development of Muslim faith and practice.

Mecca is located in the western edge of modern-day Saudi Arabia, close to the other holy city of Islam, Medina. One of the Five Pillars of Islam, the Hajj, is a mandatory pilgrimage to Mecca; each Muslim must make at least one trip to Mecca in his lifetime. Mecca is also the geographical focus of Islamic prayer; Muslims around the globe face Mecca when they pray.

5. Answer;

He was called on by the angel Gabriel to share the teachings of God.


Muhammad (c.570-632) introduced the religion of Islam to southwestern Asia. According to Muslim belief, Muhammad heard the voice of the angel Gabriel instructing him to serve as a messenger for God. Muhammad spent the rest of his life spreading Islam. Muslims today honor Muhammad as God's final prophet.

6. Answer;

  • She told him to follow his calling  
  • She became the first convert to Islam.


Khadija was the very first woman in the whole world to declare that God was One, and Muhammad was His Messenger to all mankind. The honor and glory of being the First Believer in the whole world is hers to all eternity.  

She had sacrificed her comfort, her wealth, and her home for Islam; and now it would appear that she sacrificed her life also. She sacrificed her spacious and luxurious house in Makkah and preferred to stand by her husband and his clan, and to share the bitters of life with them.

7. Answer;

  • Declaration of faith  
  • Fasting during holy month  
  • Giving charity  
  • Fast during the month of Ramadan  
  • Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)  


The Five Pillars of Islam are five basic rules in Islam that all Muslims should follow. The Five Pillars are:  

  • The Shahadah (Declaration of faith) - Trusting and understanding the words of the Shahadah.
  • Prayer (Salah) - Praying five times a day, kneeling towards Mecca. There are specific ritualistic movements and prayers that are said.  
  • Charity or alms-giving (Zakat) - Each year a Muslim should give money to charity (Usually 2.5% of their savings). If a person does not have much money, they can do other things instead.  
  • Fasting during the month of Ramadan (Sawm) - Islamic Fasting is not eating or drinking beverages when the sun is out, only when the moon is out.  
  • A pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) - Muslims should go to Mecca to worship Allah on a pilgrimage. They should do this at least once in their lives. A person does not have to make this pilgrimage if they cannot afford to, or they are physically unable to.

8. Answer;

Each person is responsible for his or her own actions.


In Islamic belief, the sequence of divine revelation came to an end with Muhammad. Muslims believe these revelations to be the verbatim word of God, which were later collected together, and came to be known as Quran, the central religious text of Islam.  

The five main teachings of Islam are, Shahada (Faith), Salah (Prayer), Zakat (Charity), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).

9. Answer;

It applies tenets of Islamic faith to law.


Sharia is the body of Islamic law that includes interpretation of the Quran and applies Islamic principles to everyday life.  

All aspects of a Muslim's life are governed by Sharia. Sharia law comes from a combination of sources including the Qur'an (the Muslim holy book), the Hadith (sayings and conduct of the prophet Muhammad) and fatwas (the rulings of Islamic scholars).

10. Answer;

They gained the ability to inherit property.


The role of women in Muslim society has changed significantly in the centuries since Islam began in Arabia in the early 600s. Their position has varied with shifting social, economic, and political circumstances. Although Islam regards men and women as moral equals in the sight of God, women have not had equal access to many areas of Islamic life.

Historically, certain rulers and administrators and most legal scholars imposed a system of inequality, which they justified by their interpretations of the Qur'an and the traditions of the Prophet. However, with Islam, the status of women improved considerably. The Qur'an and the sunnah emphasized the spiritual equality of all Muslims. Islamic law recognized a woman's right to choose her own marriage partner, and it set limits on the practice of polygyny.