How important were the regional differences in the social aspects of republicanism, given the national scope of other republican inspired developments such as state mercantilism and religious revivalism?

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Well, back then the northern Republican tend to be more modern and open-minded, while the southern Republicans tend to be really conservative

The northern Republican tend to utilize industrial revolution, which develop mercantilism in that region while the southern Republican tend to be really dangerous

hope this helps

The Republicanism has as central values the individual rights and liberty, also it defends a national economic strength for protection of liberty. The slavery was replaced by sharecropping. Christianity was taken to the slaves and they also created their own religious observances and developed a Biblical theology related to them. Mercantilism is a National economic policy that defends that a government should control the economy and a nation should sell more than it buys from other nations. All this resulted of the actions from the regions with their different points of views. The South with their anti-slavery forces wanted liberty and respect for the human being.