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Under a clear September sky warm rays of sun transport me to my childhood memories that are managed in a large house and in a garden of playful creepers A blueberrie tree stood next to the vines where its green leaves of its color mixed fruits that tasted exotic and I bragged about it that my father was magical that he planted them News that more than some money gave me (charging commission to everyone who tried them) that blackberry tree witnessed my antics every February he gave me the greatest of my joys Time of carnival and tireless races stalking friends and his face paint with blueberrie fruits difficult to erase more than one broom wanted to punish me An accomplice smile prompts me to remember the cunning used and thus be able to escape of those neighbors eager to catch me as he ran he yelled at them; They can't catch me! The neighborhood scourge was a toothless blonde that patiently waited for his victims to pass with the agility of a feline on them he pounced painting their faces with loud laughter From that magical tree I keep a leaf that flattering to my ears make them listen the laughter of a girl who remains among its branches stealing that fruit that so many little faces paint.