Respuesta :


Lowering the voting age can lead to a long-term increase in voter turnout, bringing more citizens in touch with their government and pushing the government to better serve its people. Research shows that voting is habitual. A person who votes in the first election they are eligible for is likely to continue voting consistently, while someone who doesn’t will take several years to pick up the habit. It is clear that age 16 is a better time to establish a new habit than age 18, and data from places that have lowered the voting age shows that 16-year-olds do indeed vote at higher rates than older first-time voters.


Answer: It should not be.


Even though many young adults or teens have vary strong thoughts on how things should be. The young people may not believe these things for because that is what they are pressured to believe. Such as allowing a male to enter a woman's bathroom because the feel like a girl. Many young adults would not stop to think about how this would open the door to rapper's and such. There for I believe it should not be lowered below the age of 18 years.