Tell us about personal problems or challenges from the past that have interfered with your education and what steps you have taken to overcome them

Respuesta :


When I was ten years old, my golden fish, Ruby, die. I remember being extremely sad since I consider it to be my special friend.

The days after its death was extremely hard for me. I remember that I could not pay attention in class or do my homework successfully. My parents noticed that I was not doing well with my grades and that I was sad.

To help me improve mentally and academically, they took me to my favorite ice parlor in town and asked me how I felt. I remember that I started to cry and told that I missed Ruby. After telling them how I was feeling, I was better, and my parents suggested inviting my best friend for dinner every Friday and to go out some days after school to improve my mental health by spending time with people that I loved.

After a month, things started to be better. I could pay attention in class and do my homework successfully. I didn't feel that sadness, and I knew that even though my golden fish was not in my life anymore, I had other people that also make my life better, which leads to doing better mentally and academically.


In this narrative, it is crucial to describe the feelings concerning the death of the golden fish since this is the problem that interfered with education. Also, it is important to describe in detail the steps that you took to overcome the problem. In this case, the steps were: talking to your parents, hang out with friends and go out more often to improve your mental health, which leads to doing better at school.