“Political power is that power which every man having in a state of nature, has given up into the hands of the society, and therein to the governors whom the society hath set over itself, with this express or tacit trust that it shall be employed for their good and the preservation of their property. Now this power, which every man has in the state of nature, and which he parts with to the society in all such cases where the society can secure him, is to use such means for the preserving of his own property as he thinks good and nature allows him, and to punish the breach of the law of nature in others so as, according to the best of his reason, may most conduce to the preservation of himself and the rest of mankind. So that the end and measure of this power, when in every man's hands in the state of nature, being the preservation of all of his society - that is, all mankind in general - it can have no other end of measure when in the hands of the magistrates but to preserve the members of that society in their lives, liberties, and possessions; and so cannot be an absolute, arbitrary power over their lives and fortunes, which are as much as possible to be preserved, but a power to make laws, and annex such penalties to them as may tend to the preservation of the whole, by cutting off those parts, and those only, which are so corrupt that they threaten the sound and healthy, without which no severity is lawful. And this power has its original only from compact and agreement, and the mutual consent of those who make up the community.” Who has political power? - John Locke (Two treaties of government)
1. The citizens or rulers? How do you know?
2. How should rulers use the power? For what purpose? How do you know?
3. What should rulers not have power over?
4. What should rulers have power over?
5. Where does power come from? (its origin) how do you know?

Respuesta :


Citizens have the political power.


Citizens have the political power according to John Locke theory. The rulers should use the power in order to protect the rights and property of the citizens of the country. The rulers should not have the power to impose certain laws which are against to justice and the people of its country. The rulers should have the power to control the society by making such laws that helps in maintaining harmony and peace in the society. The power comes from the people of the society.