
How is adulthood defined in U.S. culture? At what point is one considered an adult? Is there a rite of passage that marks this transition?

This is for my Anthropology of Religion course.​

Respuesta :


Being an adult is an idea.


Adulthood is often times used differently in federal law and in practicality. For example, many parents still consider their 22 year olds going to college as their kids. In health law, technically you can be under your parents health plan till your 24. However other laws like to use the 18 year old as a minimum. So you can honestly be an adult at many stages in your life, but most would consider someone an adult that is self-sufficient and independent.

There are rites of passage that transition people into adulthood. It used to be things like having your first job, or your sweet 15. But now adays many consider getting a drivres licence, having your first beer, opening your first bank account and completing college to be the rites of passage for becoming an adult