Respuesta :

Answer:Look at the 2nd significant digit that the number has.

In a decimal, the first significant digit is the first non-zero digit. The 2nd significant digit is the digit after the first.

if it is less than 5 then round the number down by removing the rest of the number after the 1st significant digit and filling in with zeros;

if it is 5 or more then round the number up by adding one on to the 1st digit and removing the rest of the number and filling in with zeros.

Step-by-step explanation:

8726 rounds up to 9000, because the 2nd significant digit is a 7.

73.283 rounds down to 70 because the 2nd significant digit is a 3.

152 rounds up to 200 because the 2nd significant digit is a 5.

0.003826 rounds up to 0.004 because the 2nd significant digit is an 8.

0.60828 rounds down to 0.6 because the 2nd significant digit is a 0.