
Complete all steps of the activity below, and answer the questions in Step 6 in the space below.

Step 1: Partner up with another student. If you are unable to partner up, your instructor might have you complete this activity with a friend or a family member as homework.
Step 2: Each partner needs a blank piece of paper and something to draw with.
Step 3: Independently, sitting back-to-back with your partner, if possible, take no more than 5 minutes to draw a picture of something fairly simple (e.g., a house, a tree, a dog, the beach, etc.). Do not tell your partner what you drew, and do not let them see your drawing.
Step 4: Set your drawing to the side, and get another blank piece of paper. Remain seated back-to-back with your partner if possible, and allow your partner to take 5-10 minutes to instruct you on how to draw his/her picture. For example, if they drew a bird, they are going to tell you, step by step, how to draw that bird. They cannot, however, tell you what you are drawing. They can say "draw a small line in the middle of your paper, then connect another line going down from that one." They cannot say "draw a head and a beak and wings." At the end of the allotted time, compare drawings. See if your version of their picture looks the same as theirs.
Step 5: Switch roles. Now it is your turn to explain how to draw your picture to your partner as he/she attempts to recreate it. Again, give clear step by step directions. You are not allowed to tell him/her what he/she is drawing. After 5-10 minutes, compare drawings yet again.
Step 6: Discuss and reflect. Discuss with your partner the outcome of this activity. What did you learn? In 5-7 sentences, write a reflection about this activity. Were you better at giving instructions or receiving them? If you could do this again, how might you improve your instructions? How might you improve your listening skills? How can this apply to any group activity?

Respuesta :


but I don’ the have a partner
